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Our success is a credit to our friendly, experienced and dedicated staff. All staff are fully Gardai Vetted and in receipt of a childcare qualification. Staff  training include First Aid, Children First, Manual  Handling, Fire Safely and  much more.

All staff attend courses on a regular basis to stay up to date with their qualifications and the child care regulations. We operate a key worker system so that parents can have the comfort of knowing that their child’s progress is closely monitored.


The programme is available to all children who have turned 2 years 8months of age before September 1st.The Ecce is a scheme designed to give children access to a  Free Pre School Year of appropriate program based activities In the first two years before the start Primary School.


Participations in a pre- school  program provides children with their first formal experience of early learning, the starting point of their educational and social development outside the home. Children who avail of pre-school are more likely to be ready for school and a formal learning and social environment

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